Benefits For Residents

I’ve lived here for a good 50 odd years, and we have a lot to offer. But if governments don’t prioritise regional communities, to ensure we have a long sustainable future, bit-by-bit shops will close, services will go, and communities will suffer. We need people to be here, to be involved in the town and commit to the town. Once that happens, things stabilise, and we aren’t living at the whim of booms and busts.
Gavin Gilmore - Kalgoorlie resident
The Current Problem Facing Residents of Mining Communities

This is a true story – just a few years apart – to two families in Port Hedland. This is affecting real people, their livelihoods, their financial futures, many forever in debt. People fear taking a risk and making investments into mining cities and towns because of their understanding of the impacts of boom vs. bust cycles.
High living costs and demanding labour conditions contribute to the reputational challenges facing these regions, with metropolitan populations largely united in their perceptions of this cities and towns as places to "get in, get rich, get out". However, as residents, we know and love our communities as places that can offer so much more. An enriching regional lifestyle should be attainable by all, not just those employed within the resource sector.
The Benefits of 'More Than Mining' Proposal for Regional Residents
The More than Mining proposed changes to Fringe Benefits Tax Policy would mean that people in mining communities could buy a house, or rent a house, completely with pre-tax dollars. This gives the individual more disposable income to pay off their mortgage faster, increases their purchasing power, and allows them to reinvest in their local communities.
In turn, this will result in:
- More engaged, invested, and inclusive resident communities
- Equitable home ownership opportunities for non-mining sector employees
- Stable, mobile, replenishing labour pools enabling sustainability of small businesses
- Improved quality and accessibility of healthcare, education, childcare and social services
- Growth and renewal of housing stock
Normalising housing costs essentially means removing the dependency on resource sector employers for provision of housing in regional mining communities. It gives individuals control over their living situations and enables them to benefit financially.
More Than Mining promises greater security, prosperity, and longevity to residents, transforming these cities and towns into desirable and thriving communities.
Want to get involved? Sign our petition or contact your local MP.